Seeking Absolution

By (Gypsie) Offenbacher-Ferris

In response to prompt provided by
E.M.’s Random Word Prompt #104

Seeking absolution from crimes
I’ve not committed
Yet crimes levied against me
by the naive and misinformed.


Seeking absolution from this disease that has me in its clutches, But one that I did not ask for not now and not ever.


Seeking absolution from heartache
sorrow, grief, anger, and despair
Protection for an unguarded heart
that’s never learned how to heal.


Seeking absolution for the innocent,the troubled, oppressed and wounded. For those serving and yet to serve and those brave souls who have fallen.



  1. Thank you so much Paul! 😊✒️😊


  2. 247paulgray says:

    Thoughtful and deep words. Nice.


  3. emkingston says:

    Reblogged this on The Ramblings of E.M. Kingston and commented:
    Welcome to my Random Word Prompt, Gypsie!! This is such an emotional and important use of the word absolution. It’s raw. The world needs to read these words of struggle.
    xoxo, E.M.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am honored. Thank you! 🙏

      Liked by 1 person

      1. emkingston says:

        You’re welcome! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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